DieQua Technical Institute March 2019

By |2022-12-27T16:12:43-06:00March 25th, 2019|DieQua News|

The first DTI of 2019 took place from 3/21 to 3/22. The two-day event is traditionally held at the DieQua headquarters in Bloomingdale. These DTI - short for DieQua Technical Institute - are held two-to-three times every year. Attendees have the opportunity to learn about products and technology. Every year, DieQua seeks to enlighten and educate distributors on the vast array of potential solutions. DTI is a two-day training class covering the analytical process of identifying the characteristics of a power transmission or motion control application and selecting the proper gear product to [...]

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Operate In High Temperature Environment

By |2022-08-18T17:52:25-05:00March 21st, 2019|Application Examples|

Customers often call saying they need a gearbox but tell us the application is secret. It's understandable that privacy can be a concern. But it's equally important that your supplier really knows what is going on. A customer of ours approached us asking for a spiral bevel gearbox that was to be used in a high-temperature environment. They gave us no other information other than the torque required, that all shafts would be mounted horizontal, the speed would be under 100 rpm, and that it had to operate in a high temp environment of [...]

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