Mount Gearheads Vertically

By |2021-09-10T18:44:14-05:00July 24th, 2019|DieQua News|

Often times we see customers mount servo gearheads like SESAME incorrectly. In many instances, the first reaction is to mount horizontally, but this is not a good practice. It is essential when installing a gearbox, to do it vertically instead of horizontally. This video explains why.

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IEC and NEMA Motors

By |2023-10-31T02:06:49-05:00July 11th, 2019|Application Examples|

IEC vs. NEMA Motors  A large percentage of our customers produce their machinery for both the North American domestic market as well as for the various export markets of Europe, Asia, and South America. This often causes a design issue as power sources are different from market to market. Different motors should be specified to optimize the design, which then alters the gearboxes used with them. Most of our gear products have a solution for that complexity. Here is an example of one of those gearbox products when it came to IEC vs. NEMA [...]

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