REGISTER NOW to join the August 22 webinar. 10 AM CDT. This free webinar offers customized solutions to any industry from examples of several applications.

  • Gearboxes – Customized Solutions for Demanding Real-World Applications Presented by Meikel Quaas, President and Co-owner of DieQua Corporation. ABOUT THIS WEBINAR: Gearboxes are essential for practically every industry. What happens when there are specific challenges presented – whether it be environmental, safety or application challenges? How can a gearbox work in extreme conditions? Learn about the process of applying custom designs for unique applications. DieQua has several options for special designs that fit any industry.
  • ABOUT THE PRESENTER: Meikel Quaas, President and co-owner of DieQua Corporation, is a degreed Mechanical Engineer from the University of Illinois. Mike is the second generation owner of DieQua and has been serving as President since 1998. He is also active on a daily basis on the engineering and sales floor and is constantly working with customers, creating engineered solutions to a constant stream of power transmission applications.